The JavaScript for WordPress 2017 Summer Scholarship

Thanks to our Partners at Pantheon we are able to offer 3 Scholarships for each of the 3 Enrollment Periods we have for the JavaScript for WordPress Master Course.  You can read more about the Scholarship here.

For our Summer Enrollment Period, our Scholarship Board of 16 Members help select the following three recipients:

Teri Pastorino

Teri Pastorino JavaScript for WordPress ScholarshipWhy Javascript deeply? – Because I am learning to be a WordPress ninja (ok in my dreams) and I want to be able to write code, and because Matt Mullenweg says we should. Really that aside – there are so many things it can do, so to even know and understand it at a basic level will put me steps ahead of others to make me a more marketable mom in the workforce. I can use it to build some exciting things.

I can be found trying to be social, but not always doing well at it, here: facebook or here twitter.



Rai JavaScript for WordPress ScholarshipI am a queer trans woman, an activist, and a WordPress developer. I am part of a worker-owned cooperative that provides design and development services for non-profits and grassroots social justice organizations. Learning JavaScript Deeply will allow me to create more complex and useful tools and websites for my clients, to further enable and support the vital work that they do.



Nate Conley

Nate Conley JavaScript for WordPress ScholarshipI am a WordPress developer from Southern California working as a contractor and a freelancer. I am excited to learn JavaScript Deeply so that I can share that knowledge with the incredible WordPress community and to advance in my career. I want to have more knowledge and authority on JavaScript as it relates to WordPress, and that is exactly what this course provides.

Where We Go From Here

For the next year, Teri, Ria and Nate will be getting assistance from me as they work their way through the JavaScript for WordPress Master Course and begin implementing the skills in their work.

Apply for the Next 2017 Scholarship

We are having one more Scholarship period from Sept 5th – Nov 3rd​.  Please apply if you are interested!


PostScript – I want to give an extra thank you to the members of the Scholarship Board.  We received many applications and I am grateful I did not have to pick just three recipients on my own.