An Introduction to the VanillaPress Project – A mock WordPress front and back end using Native JavaScript
Introducing VanillaPress
After covering an Introduction to JavaScript, JavaScript Language Basics, The DOM, Events, JSON and Local Storage we finally get around to building our first major project, VanillaPress.
VanillaPress is a single page web app that displays posts and pages from a JSON file and even lets you edit and save content to local storage with a Customizer like editor.
In this short video we introduce the app.
Reverse Engineering VanillaPress V0.1
Now that we have introduced the app we introduce the first major task of the course. Try to reverse engineer VanillaPress V0.1, building out the displaying of a blog post listing page and single page views all based on a single JSON file.
Taking it Further with JavaScript
If you have figured out how to build out the blog post section of VanillaPress, keep going and build out the rest of the app as introduced in the first video.
In this JavaScript for WordPress Master Course we go in depth into how to build out VanillaPress using best practices like MVC architecture, routing to map URLs to content and views, and eventually how to leverage JavaScript development tools and the latest ES6 JavaScript.
To learn more about building projects like VanillaPress, save a seat in the next JavaScript for WordPress Master Course enrollment period.