JavaScript for WordPress Forums Bugs & Issues Do you have to make 100% on the test to move forward?

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  • #2215
    Danny Smith

    The color of this text needs to be changed. It is hard to read. I have completed the first test and am unable to move forward.

    Ryan Sharrer

    I too Noticed that when I missed one, it automatically restarted the test for me, so i got a 100 now. I am guessing there is something set to “encourage your to get 100 before moving on.”

    Daron Spence

    Could be due to this first section being “Learn JS Deeply”…emphasis on the deep.

    +1 on the text color for this being changed though. Writing white on light-gray is hard :mrgreen:

    Ryan Sharrer

    Yeah, it is a bit tough to see what you are typing. So +1 from me too

    Zac Gordon

    Hey folks, you are right and hopefully we will have the styling issues fixed today!

    To answer your question, yes you need 100% to proceed. However, you may also need to click the Mark as Complete Button in order to proceed if you are having problems.

    Ryan Sharrer

    Hi Zac, thanks for the quick responce. Loving the course so far.

    thank you ,


    Zac Gordon

    Sorry about that, the input text colour has been changed. Thanks for letting us know. Please drop us a line if there is anything else you notice.

    Zac Gordon

    Hey folks!

    Just wanted to let you know we have modified things so that you can now skip around and watch content out of order 🙂

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