JavaScript for WordPress Forums Gutenberg Development can’t seem to compile Scss file.

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  • #151824
    Julie Bellefleur

    I’ve cloned the repo of Advanced gutenberg blocks => i’ve done some custom blocks by myself but seems like compiling the scss doesn’t seem to work but for the file under /filter/style.scss. this file get compile into as wanted but no other file are getting compile into

    i’ve look throught the js generated by webpack and i can see that the webpack is getting them but doesnt compile it into the file.

    Any idea of what i could do to make it work ? i didn’t change any setting in webpack.config.js or in .babelrc the only thing i added are those custom blocks i made up.

    So No scss file are getting compile but the one under filter/style.scss. Any Scss from Any custom blocks of the course including my custom block aren’t working

    Zac Gordon

    Okay, just to start with the simple stuff, but would you mind sharing what your webpack config looks like and also where these CSS files are being stored? Also, just seeing if you have them imported into any .js files?

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