JavaScript for WordPress Forums Gutenberg Development Adding Multiple Block Element

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  • #97350

    I am trying to build a block which will have:

    I have just started and practicing with the example block creation plugin. Initially, I tried to add another text Element. But I get some error. How can I actually add multiple elements? Any tutorial or code reference that might help me? Thank you very much in advance for the help.

    * Block Dependencies
    import icon from "./icon";
    import "./style.scss";
    import "./editor.scss";
    * Internal Block Dependencies
    const  { __ } = wp.i18n;
    const { registerBlockType } = wp.blocks;
    const { RichText, TextControl }  = wp.editor;
    * Register Block
    export default registerBlockType(' multipleelementblock/Multiple Element',{
        title : __('WP Multiple Element Block',' multipleelementblock'),
        description : __('Create Multiple Element Block') ,
        category : "common",
        icon : {
          background : "#0073AA",
          src : icon
        } ,
        keywords :[
          __('Multiple Element Block',' multipleelementblock'),
          __('Add Multiple Element',' multipleelementblock')
        ] ,
        supports : {
          id : true
        attributes :  {
             message : {
                  type    :  "array",
                  source  :  "children",
                  selector : ".message2"
             title : {
                   type: 'string',
                   source: 'html',
                   selector: '.title'
        } ,
        edit : props => {
            const {
               attributes  : { message, title},
            } = props;
            const onChangeMessage = message => {
                setAttributes( { message:message });
          return  (
            <div className = {className}>
            <h2>{ __('Call To Action',' multipleelementblock')}</h2>
               tagName = "div"
               multiline ="p"
               placeholder = { __('Add your text',' multipleelementblock')}
               onChange = {onChangeMessage}
               value ={title}
                label={__("Additional CSS Class",' multipleelementblock')}
                tagName = "h3"
                placeholder = { __('Add your Headline',' multipleelementblock')}
        save : props =>  {
           const {
             attributes : { message }
           } = props;
           return (
             <h2> { __("Call to action"," multipleelementblock")} </h2>
             <div class="message2"> { message }</div>
              <h3 class="title"> { __("Call to action"," multipleelementblock")} </h3>
    Zac Gordon

    Okay, first I just want to double check that you watch the Gutenberg Block Course and all the examples it covers?

    Then, the short answer is you need new attributes and event handlers for each new form element you want to add.

    Take a look maybe at some of the examples from the course that have multiple form elements in them as an example.


    Thanks, Zac.

    The mistake was here

    const { RichText, TextControl } = wp.editor;

    TextControl belongs to wp.component.

    Zac Gordon

    Aw, good catch!!!

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