JavaScript for WordPress Forums Gutenberg Development What will be the accepted method to determine in PHP which editor will be used?

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  • #56016

    I have a plugin that hooks into the classic editor in a whole heap of ways so I’ll have to create and maintain separate code for Gutenberg and keep the existing code for those who won’t use Gutenberg. In WP 4.9.8, the post editor (admin/post.php or admin/post-new.php) is called with a query parameter of “classic-editor” if the classic editor is to be used.

    Any idea if this is something we can rely on in future releases to determine which editor is going to be used?

    Zac Gordon

    I am not sure if this specifically, but check out the source code for the Gutenberg Ramp Plugin. It does testing and turning on and off of Gutenberg and is built by Automattic so should serve as a good example for how to do on your own.

    Also look at how the Classic Editor plugin does it too 👍🏼

    Zac Gordon

    I am not sure if this specifically, but check out the source code for the Gutenberg Ramp Plugin. It does testing and turning on and off of Gutenberg and is built by Automattic so should serve as a good example for how to do on your own.

    Also look at how the Classic Editor plugin does it too 👍🏼

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