JavaScript for WordPress › Forums › Bugs & Issues › Using React on Frontend Lightbox Error
- This topic has 0 replies, 1 voice, and was last updated 3 years, 10 months ago by cvwlc.
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March 11, 2021 at 10:27 pm #151006cvwlcParticipant
Getting console error: “Cannot read property ‘0’ of undefined” after adding front-end lightbox code in Adv WP Block Dev course and consequently Lightbox is not working… here is my code… Have I made an error or is this a bug/code change since the tutorial?
import Gallery from "react-photo-gallery"; import Lightbox from "react-images"; export default class FrontendGallery extends React.Component { state = { currentImage: 0 }; openLightbox = (event, obj) => { this.setState({ currentImage: obj.index, lightboxIsOpen: true }); }; closeLightbox = () => { this.setState({ currentImage: 0, lightboxIsOpen: false }); }; gotoPrevious = () => { this.setState({ currentImage: this.state.currentImage - 1 }); }; gotoNext = () => { this.setState({ currentImage: this.state.currentImage + 1 }); }; render() { return ( <div> <Gallery photos={} direction={this.props.direction} onClick={this.openLightbox} /> {this.props.islightboxenabled == "true" && ( <Lightbox images={} onClose={this.closeLightbox} onClickPrev={this.gotoPrevious} onClickNext={this.gotoNext} currentImage={this.state.currentImage} isOpen={this.state.lightboxIsOpen} /> )} </div> ); } }
const { render } = wp.element; import FrontendGallery from "./components/FrontendGallery"; const galleries = document.querySelectorAll( ".wp-block-jsforwpadvblocks-gallery" ); galleries.forEach( gallery => { const direction = gallery.dataset.direction; const islightboxenabled = gallery.dataset.islightboxenabled; const images = gallery.querySelectorAll("img"); const photos = []; images.forEach(img => { photos.push({ src: img.src, width: img.width, height: img.height, alt: img.alt, caption: img.caption }); }); render( <FrontendGallery photos={photos} direction={direction} islightboxenabled={islightboxenabled} />, gallery ); });
And index.js:
/* gather block dependencies*/ import icon from './icon'; import './style.scss'; import Gallery from 'react-photo-gallery'; //import { MediaPlaceholder } from '@wordpress/block-editor'; /* block librarires*/ const { __ } = wp.i18n; const { Fragment } = wp.element; const { registerBlockType } = wp.blocks; const { BlockControls, InspectorControls, MediaUpload, MediaPlaceholder } = wp.blockEditor; const { IconButton, Toolbar, PanelBody, PanelRow, RadioControl } = wp.components; /*register block*/ export default registerBlockType("jsforwpadvblocks/gallery", { title: __("Gallery", "jsforwpadvblocks"), description: __("A demo custom gallery block", "jsforwpadvblocks"), category: "jsforwpadvblocks", icon, keywords: [ __("Masonry","jsforwpadvblocks"), __("Images Media","jsforwpadvblocks"), __("Lightbox","jsforwpadvblocks") ], supports:[ "full", "wide"], attributes: { images: { type: "array", default: [] }, direction: { type: "string", default: "row" }, islightboxenabled: { type: "boolean", default: true } }, edit: props => { const { attributes : {images, direction, islightboxenabled}, className, setAttributes } = props; const onSelectImages = newImages => { //console.log(newImages); const images = img => { return { src: img.sizes.large.url, width: img.sizes.large.width, height: img.sizes.large.height, id:, alt: img.alt, caption: img.caption }; }); setAttributes({ images, direction }); }; return ( <Fragment> <InspectorControls> <PanelBody title={__("Gallery Settings", "jsforwpadvblocks")} initialOpen={true}> <PanelRow> <RadioControl label={__("Grid Style", "jsforwpadvblocks")} selected={direction} options={[ {label: __("Rows", "jsforwpadvblocks"), value: "row"}, {label: __("Columns", "jsforwpadvblocks"), value: "column"} ]} onChange={direction => setAttributes({direction, islightboxenabled})} /> </PanelRow> </PanelBody> </InspectorControls> {!!images.length && ( <BlockControls> <Toolbar> <MediaUpload allowedTypes={["images"]} multiple gallery value={ =>} onSelect={onSelectImages} render={({open}) =>( <IconButton className="components_toolbar__control" label={__("Edit Gallery", "jsforwpadvblocks")} icon="edit" onClick={open} /> )} /> </Toolbar> </BlockControls> )} <div className = {<code>${className}${direction}</code>}> {!!!images.length ? ( <MediaPlaceholder labels = {{ title: __("Gallery", "jsforwpadvblocks"), instructions: __("Drag images, upload new ones or select files from your library.", "jsforwpadvblocks") }} icon = {icon} accept ="images/*" multiple onSelect = {onSelectImages} /> ) : ( <Gallery photos={ images } direction={direction} /> ) } </div> </Fragment> ); }, save: props => { const { images, direction, islightboxenabled } = props.attributes; return ( <div className={<code>${direction}</code>} data-direction={direction} data-islightboxenabled={islightboxenabled} > { => (<img src={img.src} width={img.width} height={img.height} data-id={} data-caption={img.caption} alt={img.alt} />))} </div> ); } })
Thanks for help – stuck here since the error isn’t very informative.
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