JavaScript for WordPress Forums Gutenberg Development Unable to see InspectorControls, no errors shown

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  • #59311
    Andrea Barghigiani

    Hi Zac,
    I am really glad that you created this course but I have a little problem to insert a ColorPalette inside my block.

    I’ve seen the 4.07 video about the InspectoControls fields and I am glad that you showed us how to separate our files. Since I am at the beginning of my journey I would like to do a step at a time and start working with a single file instead of jump usign your solution without knowing properly whats going on.

    If you would be so kind to have a look at my code and telling me what’s wrong I’ll be really happy because I do not understand what is wrong with my code since I do not receive any warning inside my console.

    Thank you in advance for your time!

    Andrea Barghigiani

    Problem Solved

    I only had to return an array of elements instead of return them separated only by comma.

    Zac Gordon

    Glad you spotted the error! Thanks for sharing the solution, I know a few folks have got caught up on that!

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