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  • #143542

    Hello Zac,

    It’s Andrew here I hope you’re well today.
    I have just started the ‘React Explained’ course, and I have a couple of queries I was hoping you could help us with.
    I have opened the ‘React Book Master’ Folder in my code editor and I am trying to display the ‘Pel’ variable in the browser, in the ‘Elements and Components’ lesson.
    1) Do I have to download the React Developer Tools to complete this task?
    2) Do I have to have my MAMP localhost on, to display results in the browser too?

    Many thanks in advance for your help with these queries Zac,

    With regards,


    Zac Gordon

    Nope! You don’t need either.

    Although I do recommend installing the React Developer Tools in general as you proceed through the book 🙂


    Hello Zac,

    It’s Andy again, I hope you’re well today and thanks for your reply to my last query.
    Zac, I wanted to confirm this step with you.
    in the ‘Introduction to React’ chapter of the ‘React Explained’ course, the 5th lesson is: ‘The Entire React Library’.
    At the 57 seconds mark, you suggest looking at the index file:
    “What we’re going to do is open up that index.html file in our browser.”
    Zac, could you kindly advise how I should setup this file to open it my my browser?

    Many thanks in advance for your help with this query,

    With regards,


    Zac Gordon


    Just open it in the browser like a normal html file. Then open the web inspector and select the console tab 🙂

    Thanks for asking!

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