JavaScript for WordPress Forums Bugs & Issues Pseudo-styles vs Pseudo-classes

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  • #7368
    Christina Hamilton

    Having a blast with this excellent course! Thank you for creating this section of the forum.

    In lesson 1.3.08 “Styling Nodes in the DOM”:

    • At around timestamp 5:00, “:hover” is described as a pseudo-style. All the documentation I can find describes it as a “pseudo-class” (used to add styles).
    • In lesson 1.3.08, at around timestamp 22:28, there is a slide where the method “insertRule” is spelled “inserRule”.
    Christina Hamilton

    An additional typo:

    At around timestamp 30:50 (review of lesson), “rgba” is spelled “rbga”.

    Zac Gordon

    Thanks so much Christina! We’ll fix these up and add a note once they’re done 🙂

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