JavaScript for WordPress Forums Gutenberg Development New Blocks not available in new plugin

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  • #46355

    I know I have to be missing something small that I have over looked a hundred times now. But trying to basically just copy all the code over to a new plugin, rename the plugin folder and file to match (ie ‘my-new-plugin’), whenever I add a new block, even by just copy, paste and rename, it is never available in the preview pane. But, If I create a new one the same way (copy, paste, rename) in the original example plugin, the new block is available and works fine…..

    When I run ‘npm run dev’ I get all green,,,so good there. Any ideas?


    No idea what I did wrong the first time, but I deleted my ‘new’ plugin, and started over. And of course, now it works…..

    Zac Gordon

    Sometimes how it goes 🙂 please post up if you have troubles again!

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