JavaScript for WordPress Forums Gutenberg Development Media Upload Button

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  • #42336
    Imtiaz Rayhan


    I was messing around with the Media Upload button.

    It’s deprecated. Instead, we have to use MediaUpload.

    In the example files, instead of MediaUploadButton we have to use MediaUplaod like this:

        onSelect={ onSelectImage }
        value={ props.attributes.imgID }
        render={ ( { open } ) => (
                className="components-button button button-medium"
                onClick={ open }>
                Upload Image
        ) }

    Hope this helps.

    Zac Gordon

    You are correct my friend! Thanks for posting this up 🙂

    Hoping to make an update to the course with this soon, but so many changes still happening. Will link to this forum post from the video though 🙂

    Imtiaz Rayhan

    You are welcome.

    Also, Editable has changed to RichText.

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