JavaScript for WordPress Forums Bugs & Issues Libraries in Package.json way out of date

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  • #84337

    The libraries in the package.json from the repo are severely out of date. I tried updating them to their latest versions, but then “run dev” fails. Here’s the NPM debug log.

    Debug log

    Zac Gordon

    Hi! What repo are you looking at? 🙂

    Zac Gordon

    Okay, so at first pass, I ran npm install and then npm run dev and everything works fine.

    Just to double check, you did try pulling down the repo as is and run npm install and npm run dev and got the issues?

    Or did the issues just come when you tried to update everything?

    Will continue to explore… let me know

    Zac Gordon

    Just wanted to follow up again, when you run npm outdated what packages are you seeing that are severely outdated? Everything should work as expected 👍

    bash-3.2$ npm outdated
    Package                          Current   Wanted  Latest  Location
    @wordpress/babel-preset-default    1.3.0    1.3.0   3.0.2  pbds-blocks
    babel-eslint                       8.2.6    8.2.6  10.0.1  pbds-blocks
    babel-loader                       7.1.5    7.1.5   8.0.5  pbds-blocks
    css-loader                       0.28.11  0.28.11   2.1.0  pbds-blocks
    eslint                            4.19.1   4.19.1  5.12.1  pbds-blocks
    postcss-loader                     2.1.6    2.1.6   3.0.0  pbds-blocks
    raw-loader                         0.5.1    0.5.1   1.0.0  pbds-blocks
    sass-loader                        6.0.7    6.0.7   7.1.0  pbds-blocks
    style-loader                      0.19.1   0.19.1  0.23.1  pbds-blocks
    webpack                           3.12.0   3.12.0  4.29.0  pbds-blocks

    It does work fine, it’s just outdated and doesn’t work if you do indeed update everything to its latest.

    Zac Gordon

    Okay, just updated all the packages, let me know if it’s working for you now.

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