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  • #29372
    Sidetrack Studio

    Playing around with arrays, I have not been successful trying to extract the value for a key. I think it would be console.log( variable name.key); to return all of the keys. So I am expecting this array —

    var people = [
        name: 'Sara',
        age: 25,
        gender: 'f',
        us: true
        name: 'Mike',
        age: 18,
        gender: 'm',
        us: false,
        name: 'Peter',
        age: 17,
        gender: 'm',
        us: false,
        name: 'Ricky',
        age: 27,
        gender: 'm',
        us: false,
        name: 'Martha',
        age: 20,
        gender: 'f',
        us: true
    console.log( );

    to return all of the names for each object in the array. But that is not working. What am I missing?

    Christina Hamilton

    You have created an array of objects. To access each object, you must index into the array.

    The first object would be people[0].

    The value of “name” in that object would be people[0].name.

    Can you see now how to build a for loop to access all the elements of the array, and pull out the value of name for each one?

    Zac Gordon

    Great response here Christina!

    Yes, in order to get what you’re looking for, you setup would setup a loop like this:

    for( let person of people ) {
      console.log( );
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