JavaScript for WordPress Forums Gutenberg Development InspectorControls – "The editor has encountered an unexpected error"

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  • #43394

    ——————ENVIRONMENT ——————-
    LOCAL XAMPP V3.2.2
    Windows 10 v1709
    Browser: Firefox Quantum v59.0.1 64-bit
    WP v4.9.4
    PHP v7.2.1
    Gutenberg v2.4.0
    jsforwp-blocks plugin zip – most current github release

    Plugins Active: Gutenberg, jsforwp gutenberg examples
    Theme Active: Twenty Seventeen


    Issue Description: Attempting an insert of either of the two InspectorControls example blocks results in a error message “The editor has encountered an unexpected error.” with 3 buttons, “Attempt Recovery”, “Copy Post Text”, “Copy Error”.

    F12 Browser Dev Console says: “Editable is deprecated and will be removed from Gutenberg in 2.5. Please use wp.blocks.RichText instead.”

    NOTE: Changing the jsforwp-blocks plugin to use RichText instead of Editable would seem to have eliminated the console message above but doesn’t fix the issue causing the unexpected error message to appear.

    Question: Do you intend to update the github repo with working versions ahead of any re-recording of the videos?

    Please advise. Thanks for your time. 🙂

    Zac Gordon

    Yes! Good catch. Sorry about that.

    Editable changing to RichText and some other updates have occurred and are no longer supported.

    I am starting this week to begin redoing all the examples and re-recording the course to include the updates 🙂


    Cool! I’ll also be interested to know why the current examples broke and how they’ll now need to be changed to work again. That’s educational in itself (for curious people like myself, anyway)! Thanks.

    Zac Gordon

    I believe that one is just because Editable changed its name to RichText. Some other small things like focus has changed to isSelected as well.

    Will get those up as soon as can 🙂

    Zac Gordon

    I believe that one is just because Editable changed its name to RichText. Some other small things like focus has changed to isSelected as well.

    Will get those up as soon as can 🙂


    FYI – just wanted to say that I pinged poor Zac on this issue a few minutes ago. Should have checked the forum first.

    Yes, i’m getting the same problems w/ my InspectorControl example when i upgraded to latest Gutenberg (2.4). Reverting back so i can continue and kudos to Zac for keeping this updated! 🙂

    Zac Gordon

    Hey folks! This is a delayed update but all these code samples should be fixed now!

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