JavaScript for WordPress Forums Gutenberg Development insertBlocks is not defined (Layout Switcher Example)

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  • #139352
    Ben Beard

    So I was following along with the “Advanced WordPress Block Development” -Example – Layout Switcher.

    I was at the “Creating And Inserting a Block with the Data API ” video and keep running into the error of insertBlocks is not defined

    for the sake of simplicity here is the call from the SwitcherControls.JS file. (Ignoring the button component for this)

    What am I missing to cause this error?? Also I can provide more code if this isn’t enough.

    const { __ } = wp.i18n;
    const { Fragment } = wp.element;
    const { Button, Icon, PanelBody, PanelRow } = wp.components;
    const { withSelect, dispatch } =;
    const SwitcherControls = ({ blocks, icons, myBlock }) => {
    	let blockIds = block => block.clientId);
    	return (
    				title={__("Layout Choices", "madisonadvblocks") }
    					<button onClick={() => insertBlocks(myBlock)}>
    						<Icon icon={icons.hero} />
    						<span>{__("Hero", "madisonadvblocks")}</span>
    export default withSelect(select => {
    	return {
    		blocks: select("core/block-editor").getBlocks()
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