JavaScript for WordPress Forums Gatsby Gatsby Deploy

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  • #139003
    Rayjens Code

    Hi Zach when I deploy it to Netlify through Github quick deployment button, the problem is the deployed files is the “Gatsby’s default starter” not my own project.

    Deployed site:

    Is there any cofiguration to deploy it the right way?

    • This topic was modified 4 years, 11 months ago by Rayjens Code.
    • This topic was modified 4 years, 11 months ago by Rayjens Code.
    Rayjens Code

    I tried the process deploying it directly to netlify. And i think the problem is netlify can’t reach my localhost wordpress. Do I need to host my wordpress online?

    Zac Gordon

    No, you don’t need the WordPress site online to deploy. You will just deploy your Gatsby code.

    Deploying is covered in more depth in the Gatsby Basics course and kind of assumed knowledge the Gatsby and WordPress course 🙂

    Zac Gordon

    Oh, I should add that for the comment functionality to work you would need to have your WordPress site online. But not to publish static content

    Rayjens Code

    You mean the deployment documentation from gatsby is not complete?

    I just follow their documentation:

    Rayjens Code

    Do you have more coming tutorials for deploying sir?

    Zac Gordon

    Yes, watch the Gatsby Basics course for details on how to publish a Gatsby site. That course goes into depth on it and this course assumes you have learned everything from that first course 👍

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