JavaScript for WordPress Forums Gatsby Expected type WPGraphQL_MenuLocationEnum, found PRIMARY graphql/template-string

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  • #139146
    Ian Holden


    I am currently going through the Headless WordPress with Gatsby course and I am stuck on Creating a Gatsby Menu – Part 1.

    I have created my menu in my local WordPress instance and I can see that my menus are pulling into Graphiql from WordPress’ side. I can not seem to see the same happening in Graphiql on my Gatsby site however… This is the error message I get when I use the code that Zac uses in the video:
    error Expected type WPGraphQL_MenuLocationEnum, found PRIMARY graphql/template-strings

    Has anyone come across this issue? If so, how did you fix it?

    Ian Holden

    Ok, so I have fixed this now. I’m not entirely sure what the fix was however I know that I was playing with the menus in WordPress a little before this began to work for me. I was creating new menus, applying different menus to my registered nav locations and adding/removing pages from menus.

    I’m not sure if these changes rejigged the WP database and therefore triggered some kind of GraphQL update but my Gatsby site now picks up these menus.

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