JavaScript for WordPress Forums Bugs & Issues Errors when installing npm, what are causing these? WP block development course

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  • #151149
    Matthew Pollard


    I am following the WP block development course, I’m currently on Example block walkthroughs > Getting Setup with the Example Plugin Files.

    Whenever, I run npm install in my Mac’s terminal or in Atom, I get quite a few errors?

    I have already done the following:

    • Installed Xcode (i’m using a Mac)
    • I followed Zac’s instructions for installing npm and Node. I checked to make sure they’re installed, & I saw the version numbers. I have Homebrew installed, just like Zac did so.
    • I downloaded the zip file from Zac’s github (what I downloaded), & I copied the ‘jsforwp-example-blocks’ folder into my plugins folder. I’m using Desktop server on my Mac.
    • I’m using Atom, & I then opened the ‘jsforwp-example-blocks’ folder as a ‘project’ in Atom.
    • Using the ‘platformio-ide-terminal’ I then typed ‘npm install’ & pressed enter.

    After typing ‘npm install’ into my Atom terminal, I 1872 lines back, & the errors seem to start on line 1517?

    1513 timing metavuln:load:security-advisory:postcss-load-plugins:OhRJcTAhXrbIRDB/wr6QkeXYa73qMSKOQYCuDBK/OmaT0pM/RmbOPzn9tnPgheBKvxQlYSYWDwUCxmD/LAcjPw== Completed in 0ms
    1514 timing metavuln:calculate:security-advisory:postcss-load-plugins:OhRJcTAhXrbIRDB/wr6QkeXYa73qMSKOQYCuDBK/OmaT0pM/RmbOPzn9tnPgheBKvxQlYSYWDwUCxmD/LAcjPw== Completed in 274ms
    1515 timing metavuln:cache:get:security-advisory:anymatch:/+d9px7rzP2zy55jZiKZzZZxV6My2Q7LrMzP+YkULwBxtgr6D8xXuiBqS2UYkDAHmlRRJfznQZl6R1jGNHxwMg== Completed in 7ms
    1516 info run fsevents@1.1.3 install { code: 1, signal: null }
    1517 verbose reify failed optional dependency /Users/matthew/Sites/
    1518 silly reify mark deleted [
    1518 silly reify   '/Users/matthew/Sites/'
    1518 silly reify ]
    1519 verbose reify failed optional dependency /Users/matthew/Sites/
    1520 silly reify mark deleted [
    1520 silly reify   '/Users/matthew/Sites/',
    1520 silly reify   '/Users/matthew/Sites/'
    1520 silly reify ]
    1521 verbose reify failed optional dependency /Users/matthew/Sites/
    1522 silly reify mark deleted [
    1522 silly reify   '/Users/matthew/Sites/',
    1522 silly reify   '/Users/matthew/Sites/'
    1522 silly reify ]


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