I hope this saves someone the time it took me to figure out the problem I experienced after installing WP-CLI and Restful WP-CLI. The problem I had was this error message: Error: ‘rest’ is not a registered wp command.
It took me quite a while to find a solution. This is how I installed WP-CLI the Restful package and then resolved the error:
This page describes how to install WP-CLI on Windows: https://make.wordpress.org/cli/handbook/installing/
This page describes how to install Restful WP-CLI: http://wp-cli.org/restful/ (Note: Run the package install command)
At this point the rest commands should work. Not quite. It took me quite some time to find this page: https://github.com/wp-cli/restful
In the Installing section it states that a minimum version is required to use the Restful package. Run this command: wp cli update –nightly After running that command the “rest” commands should work.