JavaScript for WordPress Forums Bugs & Issues 1.3.04 Video not found

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  • #19340

    Howdy, JS for WP folks,

    The video for 1.3.04 Traversing the DOM is not being displayed for me.

    The page displays ‘Video not found’ where the video should be.

    I’m running Chrome v. 55 and OS 10.11.6

    Thanks for this great course!

    Zac Gordon

    Hi there Todd! Sorry about that!

    I had talked about shortening the videos, and it looks like my videographer has started pulling down the old videos.

    I am working to add the new playlists in now. This video (a playlist now) is working and the others should be working soon too…

    Sorry about that!


    No worries, thanks for getting it fixed so quickly!

    Zac Gordon

    Thanks for bringing it my attention 🙂 Others should be fixed shortly 🙂

    Juliette Tworsey

    Hi Zac,

    When will the videos become available again? Just curious. I was trying to re-watch the portion(s) about JSON.

    Cheers and Happy Holidays:-)

    Zac Gordon

    @Juliette the JSON videos should not have been affected. Are you not able to view them yet?

    Or were you asking when the playlists would be ready? We should have all the videos on the site longer than 10min shortened by the end of the year.

    Please let me know if you can’t access any content tho, because it should all be working!!!

    Juliette Tworsey

    Hi Zac,

    I am able to watch the videos now (in Safari and in Chrome, but not in FF). For a while there, the videos wouldn’t buffer at all and Chrome was redirecting me back to the main section with all of the links for the first section. Still no luck in FF, but I’ve got Chrome and Safari:-)


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