JavaScript for WordPress Forums Gutenberg Development Unable to center a button in a CTA block Reply To: Unable to center a button in a CTA block

Andrea Barghigiani

Alright I’ve found a way to fixing both of my problems but I am not really happy with the solution.

The issue around the centering of my button required only a little CSS love to solve it but I am not particularly happy with the solution I found for the message.

Before I created a RichText with a div container and p childs as Zac shows us in the videos, but this didn’t let me use che titleBoxColor attribute I had. So the solution I found was to transform the div into a p and now I am able to see correctly the color.

But I would like to understand why before wasn’t possible even if the dev tools of my browser said different:
Dev Tools says the had the right color.

Thank you for the future help.