
Managed to fix it 🙂 !

I had to pass the instance to the Inspector controls:

edit: props => {
            const { attributes: { content, language, lineNumbers }, isSelected, setAttributes } = props;
            return [
                isSelected && (<Inspector { ...{setAttributes, ...props, ...{editor: this}}  } />),
                isSelected && (<Controls { ...{setAttributes, ...props, ...{editor: this}}  } />),
                        <h4>Language: {language}</h4>
                    <CodeEditor editorRef={ ( ref ) => this.editorInstance = ref }
                                value={ content }
                                settings={Object.assign(  {
                                    codemirror: {
                                    mode: language,
                                    lint: true,
                                    lineNumbers: lineNumbers,
                                } },

                                ) }
                                onChange={ ( content, language, lineNumbers ) => setAttributes( { content }, {language}, {lineNumbers}) }

And then within the inspector control I used the editor prop to change the editor instance:

export default class Inspector extends Component {

    constructor() {
        super( ...arguments );

    render() {
        const { attributes: { language }, setAttributes, editor } = this.props;

        function onChangeLanguage (language) {
            setAttributes( { language } );
            editor.editorInstance.setOption( 'mode', language );

        return (
                    title={ __( 'Snippet settings', 'rba-codeblock' ) }

                        label={ __( 'Language', 'rba-codeblock' ) }
                        selected={ language }
                        options={ [
                            { label: 'HTML', value: 'htmlmixed' },
                            { label: 'CSS', value: 'css' },
                            { label: 'JS', value: 'javascript' }
                        ] }
                        onChange={ onChangeLanguage }


So it finally all works! You can check out the github repo here: https://github.com/BenAttenborough/rba-codeblock
Be warned that this only works with the Gutenberg production code at the moment.