00:11:51 Fabian Kägy: https://www.restapitutorial.com/httpstatuscodes.html This is a nice quick reference for many of the status codes 00:13:01 Fabian Kägy: https://www.getpostman.com 00:13:24 Chris Falzone: Postman I think was a Google Labs project? 00:13:45 Fabian Kägy: Yeah I think it was Google as well :) 00:16:32 Fabian Kägy: https://wp-api.org 00:17:10 Fabian Kägy: Hmm that link didn’t work … 00:17:17 Elzette Roelofse: http://wp-api.org/node-wpapi/using-the-client/ 00:17:20 Elzette Roelofse: :) 00:17:31 Fabian Kägy: Thanks 👍 00:20:48 Michael Fienen: Why do multiple then()s instead of a single one? 00:21:50 Fabian Kägy: Each individual then returns a new promise. So you can chain them one after another 00:22:45 Fabian Kägy: So the response.json() itself is a Promise like the initial fetch request was one. Therefore you can call then on it. 00:24:06 Michael Fienen: So .then() is better if you're using the .json() portion of the fetch API. If I did a `let data = JSON.stringify( response );` instead, which isn't a promise, I'd be better off combining it all into a single then()? 00:25:54 Michael Fienen: And each then() can drop into the catch() if there's an error, yeah? 00:26:03 Fabian Kägy: Yes 👍 00:26:51 Michael Fienen: 👍 00:26:54 Fabian Kägy: JSON.parse() 00:27:01 Fabian Kägy: Instead of stringily :) 00:29:08 Ivan Juras: GraphQL solves that, right? 00:29:32 Ivan Juras: I tried WPGraphQL from Jason Bahl, and it's amazing. 00:32:50 Elzette Roelofse: Firefox dev seems to have that by default 00:44:09 Jim Reevior: With some hooks, you can to some extent modify, or more specifically append, data to the API 00:45:15 Jim Reevior: https://developer.wordpress.org/reference/hooks/rest_route_data/ 00:45:18 Jim Reevior: I think that’s the one 00:50:48 Fabian Kägy: Sorry about that 😂 00:58:39 Robert Piper: Are there any downsides of building a WordPress site like this or can we use this for production as well? 01:00:17 Fabian Kägy: The up and downside is, that you are not getting any scripts or styles from plugins and themes. 01:04:09 Robert Piper: thanks 01:04:14 José Abreu: Thanks