00:00:44 José Abreu: Hello everyone :) 00:01:37 stevenhorn: Having computer troubles 00:02:18 Zac Gordon: Create a variable called container . For the value, get the div with an ID of "app" from the page. Log it to the console to test. 00:02:32 Zac Gordon: https://raw.githubusercontent.com/zgordon/javascript-explained/master/04-browser-api-exercises/starter/exercise-01.html 00:02:49 Zac Gordon: ID of "container" 00:03:41 Zac Gordon: 2. Log out the text inside of firstHeader to the console. 00:03:51 Zac Gordon: Log out the HTML inside of firstHeader to the console. 00:04:21 Zac Gordon: https://raw.githubusercontent.com/zgordon/javascript-explained/master/04-browser-api-exercises/starter/exercise-06.html 00:04:38 Zac Gordon: https://raw.githubusercontent.com/zgordon/javascript-explained/master/04-browser-api-exercises/starter/exercise-06.html 00:06:08 Zac Gordon: 3. Create a function called header( title ) that takes a title as a parameter and then returns the following string with the title:


. Log out header( `My Header` ) to test. Add the dynamic header inside of the
right before the closing of the div. Use insertAdjacentHTML(). 00:06:33 Zac Gordon: https://raw.githubusercontent.com/zgordon/javascript-explained/master/04-browser-api-exercises/starter/exercise-15.html 00:10:58 Zac Gordon: 3. Create an event handler function called logTitle( e ). Have the function prevent the default event behavior. Then have it log out the innerText of whatever was just interacted with. Map over the linksArray from before and attach logTitle as an event listener to each link when it is clicked on. Try clicking and checking the console to test. Create an event handler function called logLink( e ). Have the function prevent the default behavior and then log out the "href" value of whatever link was just interacted with. 00:11:27 Zac Gordon: https://raw.githubusercontent.com/zgordon/javascript-explained/master/04-browser-api-exercises/starter/exercise-18.html 00:20:43 stevenhorn: I used id “#app” in querySelector 00:21:14 stevenhorn: Must have had the wrong html 00:23:50 Jim Reevior: Zac, you are muted 00:23:59 José Abreu: Your mic is mute Zac :( 00:24:55 Ivan Juras: Bus Internet ftw :D 00:25:11 José Abreu: :p 00:27:39 cfalzone: I just used a for loop heh 00:27:45 cfalzone: const links = container.querySelectorAll('a'); for (let i = 0; i < links.length; i++) { links[i].addEventListener("click", logTitle); } 00:29:35 José Abreu: Frozen 00:29:43 cfalzone: I think your frozen 00:30:50 Cameron Campbell: You’re frozen again :( 00:31:36 nelson nakano: yes 00:31:38 Laurie A Sutherland: yep 00:31:39 José Abreu: Yes 00:32:02 Ivan Juras: Can you explain the this keyword inside of the callback, again? 00:33:08 Ivan Juras: Didn't work for me, but that's probably because I was using the arrow function, right? 00:33:42 Ivan Juras: yes, thanks 00:33:43 nelson nakano: When should we use arrow functions? 00:37:05 stevenhorn: Gotta confess that my not having questions is due to not knowing what to ask, not that I fully follow this all 00:37:29 stevenhorn: Thanks :) 00:40:59 nelson nakano: Sorry going back to the previous topic. In some of your examples working with Markup. You have lines of lines building your markup using +=. Wouldn’t it be easier to have one line with all the markup w/ having to do +=. Or is there benefits in breaking them up? 00:46:17 Cameron Campbell: pseudo code is really helpful for thinking through these bigger things 00:46:28 stevenhorn: Are these days recorded? 00:46:34 Ivan Juras: I wanted to ask about Vue: is it still worth learning it and using it (in the context of WP) even though WP is going full React? I find Vue much easier to use, and I feel much more productive. 00:50:18 nelson nakano: yes 00:51:15 nelson nakano: Thank you 00:51:17 Laurie A Sutherland: Thx,bye