00:01:04 José Abreu: Hello guys 00:02:28 Zac Gordon: 1. Create two variables, one for your first name and one for your last name 00:03:26 Zac Gordon: 2. Create a variable called fullName that includes both 00:03:33 Zac Gordon: 2. Create a variable called fullName that includes both 00:04:21 Zac Gordon: 3. Create a variable called welcomeMessage that logs the full name to the console with a greeting 00:04:23 Zac Gordon: 3. Create a variable called welcomeMessage that logs the full name to the console with a greeting 00:05:21 Zac Gordon: 4. Create two variables, a and b and assign them numbers 00:06:10 Zac Gordon: 5. Add a and b 00:06:16 Zac Gordon: 6. Subtract b from a 00:06:55 Zac Gordon: 7. What happens when you add `10` + 10 in JavaScript? 00:08:02 Zac Gordon: 8. Create a variable called loggedIn and set to false 00:08:24 Zac Gordon: 9. Write a conditional statement that says `Please Log In` if loggedIn is false 00:09:48 Zac Gordon: 10. Extend your conditional statement to display fullName if loggedIn is changed to true 00:10:09 Zac Gordon: ** Display welcomeMessage if loggedIn is true ** 00:11:09 Cameron Campbell: Done 00:11:10 Ivan Juras: Done 00:11:18 Pea: don 00:11:28 cfalzone: Done 00:11:43 Michael Fienen: Done. 00:12:00 José Abreu: I’m still in the firsts :( 00:12:01 Steve Horn: please proceed without me 00:12:16 Laurie A Sutherland: done 00:12:24 Steve Rudolfi: done 00:12:54 Laurie A Sutherland: Zac can you repeat the function suggestion? 00:13:27 Laurie A Sutherland: thx 00:14:15 Cameron Campbell: const first = `Cameron`; 00:14:27 Cameron Campbell: const last = `Campbell`; 00:14:59 Zac Gordon: var first = "Cameron" 00:15:13 José Abreu: const firstName = `Jose`; const lastName = `Abreu`; const fullName = firstName + lastName; const welcomeMessage = `Howdy!` + fullName; console.log(welcomeMessage); 00:16:01 Ivan Juras: const fullName = `${name} ${lastName}` 00:16:13 Ivan Juras: name = firstName 00:16:37 Zac Gordon: const fullName = name + lastName 00:17:24 Fathima Zahrah: const welcomeMessage = function(){ console.log(`Hi ${fullName}`); } 00:18:19 Jim Reevior: const a = 5; const b = 6; 00:18:55 Todd M: const c = a + b; 00:19:21 Brianner: console.log( b - a ); 00:20:13 Pea: const c = `10`; const d = 10; const added = c + d; 00:20:24 Pea: 1010 00:21:59 cfalzone: // 8. let loggedIn = false; if (!loggedIn) { console.log(`Please Log In`); } 00:23:18 Zac Gordon: if ( loggedIn == false ) 00:23:25 Zac Gordon: if ( loggedIn === false ) 00:24:02 Laurie A Sutherland: === matches on type 00:25:45 Zac Gordon: const bool1 = 0 00:25:51 Zac Gordon: const bool1 = false 00:26:22 Zac Gordon: if ( 0 == false ) 00:26:27 Zac Gordon: if ( 0 === false ) 00:27:03 Zac Gordon: const bool2 = `flaskjsdflkj` 00:27:12 Fabian Kägy: 0 | false | undefined | null 00:27:47 Fabian Kägy: these will give you falsy results 00:28:07 Michael Fienen: loggedIn = true; if (!loggedIn) { console.log(logInMessage); spitOut(`#10: ${logInMessage}`); } else { console.log(welcomeMessage); spitOut(`#10: ${welcomeMessage}`); } 00:28:25 Michael Fienen: function spitOut(content) { const el = document .getElementById('results'); el.insertAdjacentHTML('beforeend', `
  • ${content}
  • `); } 00:29:09 José Abreu: === 00:29:34 Fabian Kägy: https://developer.mozilla.org/en-US/docs/Glossary/Falsy (oops there are even more 😂 ) 00:33:36 Laurie A Sutherland: Your list of packages in general: https://javascriptforwp.com/vscode-settings/ 00:33:45 Laurie A Sutherland: snippets: https://marketplace.visualstudio.com/items?itemName=dsznajder.es7-react-js-snippets 00:33:51 José Abreu: I’m still a little bit confuse with the differences between true/truthy and false/falsy 00:39:12 José Abreu: It make more sense for me now Zac thanks a lot 00:39:45 José Abreu: I need some practice for sure :) 00:40:20 Steve Rudolfi: Not a question, but going through the fundamentals again is great for confidence! Also, I like some of the pseudo~WordPress-ey concepts (as opposed to something like writing shapes to the DOM). This was from #7 in the Complex Data Exercises: Underneath the post object, create a function called getHeaderMarkup( post ) that takes a post object with a title and url property and returns the following:


    . Console log getHeaderMarkup() with the post object passed as the parameter to test. 00:49:58 José Abreu: Very cool 00:50:59 Ivan Juras: Hey, Zac: just a quick question: do you know why the WP Core team decided to go with React instead of Vue? I've got some experience with Vue, and it seems 10x easier and more productive than React? (sorry, can't talk right now) 00:51:10 Zac Gordon: Ahaha, yes, in some ways it is