00:05:13 Fernanda Rodrigues: Hi, I could not watched all videos from week 2 and I started week 3 today, but I'll be back. 00:05:27 Fernanda Rodrigues: Sorry! I cannot talk 00:24:48 Fernanda Rodrigues: I have a question about JSON.parse (video 1.5.2. - 13:48'') 00:25:27 Fernanda Rodrigues: the video shows an example function revivor var oneLineJSON = '{ "id":1, "title": "Hello world!", "content": "Welcome to WordPress!" }, parsedJSON; function revivor ( key, value ) { if.... My question is does the key in the function always an ID? is the key the first parameter? Can I use for second or third parameter? 00:46:15 Zac Gordon: https://joshpress.net/access-control-headers-for-the-wordpress-rest-api/ 00:46:51 Zac Gordon: https://wordpress.org/plugins/http-headers/