00:14:43 Milos Molovic: XAMP? 00:15:59 Daniel Iser: That is the old method Milos, very few still recommend it when there are so many more current options (Laragon, Local by Flywheel, VVV/Vagrant) 00:16:29 Milos Molovic: @DAniel Thanks 00:16:45 Tammy Lee: I wouldn't say VVV/Vagrant is as easy to use as Local or XAMPP 00:17:04 Daniel Iser: There are probably 10+ currenty that are viable replacements for XAMPP or MAMP/WAMP 00:17:33 Daniel Iser: @Tammy, correct, but its more powerful/flexible thatn MAMP ever could be for team/group projects. 00:17:56 Daniel Iser: VVV is Command Line only for the most part. 00:18:19 Tammy Lee: We use VVV here as well as Docker but for many marketing agencies MAMP/XAMP is all you really need for power. 00:18:54 Tammy Lee: But I am really enjoying using Local 00:19:05 Tammy Lee: Much less setup than MAMP/XAMP imo. 00:19:23 Daniel Iser: There are quite a few GUI like that, DeskTop Server, Laragon etc. 00:19:31 Andi Wilkinson: Mamp has been rehashed with one click WP install, valet is good but had problems with sql8 recently it crashes sequel pro. 00:20:15 Karolína Vyskočilová: Sometimes, the problem is the RAM usage - if you have an old computer without the real virtualisation could be a big eater. 00:20:15 Daniel Iser: Laragon is like MAMP on customizable steroids, I can use any version/combo of PHP/MySQL for backward compatibility testing for example. 00:22:51 Tammy Lee: Totally agree, Karolina. I 00:33:08 Milos Molovic: xml rpc? 00:34:32 Zac Gordon: https://joshpress.net/access-control-headers-for-the-wordpress-rest-api/ 00:34:41 Daniel Iser: Is anybody elses audio messing up? 00:34:50 Zac Gordon: https://wordpress.org/plugins/http-headers/ 00:34:57 Daniel Iser: Nothing but static. 00:34:58 Tammy Lee: I'm good audio-wise 00:35:14 Milos Molovic: @Daniel I am OK 00:38:21 Tammy Lee: Is that how you pronounce it? 00:38:22 Tammy Lee: XD 00:45:34 Daniel Iser: not that is official jQuery 00:45:54 Daniel Iser: lol 00:46:07 Tammy Lee: Click on minified 00:46:24 Daniel Iser: jquery has no buidet, onymUI 00:46:25 Tammy Lee: isn't that just UI? 00:46:58 Tammy Lee: XD 00:47:03 Daniel Iser: https://code.jquery.com/jquery-git.min.js 00:47:13 Daniel Iser: https://code.jquery.com/jquery-1.x-git.min.js 00:47:20 Daniel Iser: The second is the version included with WP 00:47:38 Tammy Lee: http://projects.jga.me/jquery-builder/ 00:47:46 Tammy Lee: ^^ that one you can get just AJAX 00:48:09 Daniel Iser: jQuery as a whole is loaded for every WP page/ front and admin alike, unless disabled. 00:48:25 Saylor Bullington: @zac are you going to go back and cover working on a local server? 00:52:36 Jeremy Techtmann: For Hosting do you have suggestions for good WP hosting that includes node.js support? Can come back to this at the end of discussion. 00:56:19 Tammy Lee: I have to take off! Thanks a lot for the lecture, Zac!