00:02:57 Fernanda Rodrigues: Hey Zac I cant hear you :( 00:03:10 Ebonie Butler: yeah i can hear 00:10:13 Zac Gordon: https://codepen.io/zgordon/professor/yGdBzg 00:16:10 Ebonie Butler: lol :) 00:17:53 Fernanda Rodrigues: Fernanda 00:21:23 Ebonie Butler: Is everything an object in javascript? 00:23:46 Zac Gordon: https://toddmotto.com/deprecating-the-switch-statement-for-object-literals/ 00:24:08 Ebonie Butler: wow 00:25:31 Ebonie Butler: very cool! I don’t like switch statements 00:31:10 Ebonie Butler: lol 00:31:35 Ebonie Butler: ready! 00:38:56 Fernanda Rodrigues: var post = {id: 1, title: "books", content: "LittlePrince"} {id: 2, title: "travel", content:"VacationTrip"} {id: 3, title: "food", content: "Appetizers"} ] 00:39:16 Zac Gordon: var post = [ {id: 1, title: "books", content: "LittlePrince”}, {id: 2, title: "travel", content:"VacationTrip”}, {id: 3, title: "food", content: "Appetizers"} ] 00:43:17 Zac Gordon: https://codepen.io/zgordon/professor/yGdBzg?editors=0011 00:45:01 Ebonie Butler: done! 00:49:18 Selena Darter: I understand that one, and I can do it slowly, but not without looking back at my references. 00:49:49 Ebonie Butler: lol thanks for challenging me. i got a little anxiety. I’m gonna do more of these timed now. never thought to do that 00:50:31 Selena Darter: I’m sorry I joined late - did you guys talk about Symbols? 01:03:24 Ebonie Butler: that is breaking my brain lol. no more jquery? i have to learn for real?