00:03:36 Richard Johnston: https://github.com/jiren/filter.js 00:06:18 Zac Gordon: http://constletvar.com/ 00:10:44 Zac Gordon: const posts = [ { id: 1, slug: "hello", title: "Hello", }, { id: 2, slug: "world", title: "World", }, { id: 3, slug: "javascript", title: "JavaScript", }, ]; 00:10:58 Zac Gordon: 1. Filter through the posts and get the post where slug is "world" 00:12:17 Zac Gordon: postIds = [1,2,3]; 00:21:45 Zac Gordon: 2. Map through the posts and log out the titles to the screen 00:25:13 Karen Neumann: const listPosts = posts.map(post => console.log(post.title)); 00:26:34 Zac Gordon: const listPosts = posts.map((post) => console.log(post.title)); 00:27:10 Zac Gordon: const listPosts = posts.map((post) => post.author = zgordon;); 00:27:33 Zac Gordon: const listPosts = posts.map((post) => {console.log(post.title)); 00:27:38 Zac Gordon: const listPosts = posts.map((post) => console.log(post.title)); 00:27:51 Zac Gordon: const listPosts = posts.map((post) => {
); 00:28:02 Zac Gordon: const listPosts = posts.map((post) => {
}); 00:28:26 Zac Gordon: const listPosts = posts.map((post) => {
 post.author = “zgordon”;
 return post;
}); 00:32:59 Zac Gordon: https://codesandbox.io/s/y3y8rw4v89 00:34:36 Zac Gordon: https://developer.mozilla.org/en-US/docs/Web/JavaScript/Reference/Functions/arguments 00:40:56 Zac Gordon: const Post = () => {} 00:44:13 Zac Gordon: https://frontendmasters.com/courses/javascript-wordpress/ 00:51:24 Zac Gordon: