00:10:30 Zac Gordon: Class Object 00:10:34 Zac Gordon: class Post 00:10:40 Zac Gordon: Object.render() 00:10:45 Zac Gordon: Post.render() 00:15:16 Zac Gordon: { render } = wp.element 00:15:27 Zac Gordon: prop={…rest} 00:16:23 michaelbui: Hi I was wondering about sort 00:16:25 michaelbui: const arrays = ['mike', 'lisa', 'aya', 'emi']; // const items = arrays.filter( // function( array ){ // return array.includes( 'a' ); // } // ); const filters = arrays.filter( array => array.includes( 'a' ) ); for ( let filter of filters ){ console.log( filter ); } const maps = arrays.map( array => array + ' bui'); console.log( 'arrays', arrays ); console.log( 'maps', maps ); const sorts = arrays.sort(); //const sorts = arrays.sort( (a,b) => (a > b ? 1 : -1)); console.log( 'arrays', arrays ); console.log( 'sorts',sorts ); const maps2 = arrays.map( array => array + ' bui'); console.warn( 'stays sorted??' ); console.log( 'arrays', arrays ); console.log( 'maps2', maps2 ); 00:17:12 michaelbui: stays sorted? 00:17:31 michaelbui: When I try to map before sorted it’s correct, but map after a sort, it’s sorted 00:17:35 michaelbui: the original array 00:17:45 michaelbui: Sorry I tried to put in the jsbin 00:18:05 michaelbui: https://jsbin.com/luhadir/edit?html,js,console 00:18:52 michaelbui: console.warn( 'stays sorted??' ); 00:18:55 michaelbui: After this 00:23:33 Zac Gordon: const sorts = arrays.sort(); 00:23:43 Zac Gordon: const arrays = ['mike', 'lisa', 'aya', 'emi']; 00:24:16 Zac Gordon: Const sorts = arraysl 00:24:22 Zac Gordon: sorts.sort(); 00:26:27 Zac Gordon: const posts = [ { id: 1, slug: "hello", title: "Hello", }, { id: 2, slug: "world", title: "World", }, { id: 3, slug: "javascript", title: "JavaScript", }, ]; 1. Filter through the posts and get the post where slug is "hello" 00:26:32 Zac Gordon: 2. Map through the posts and log out the titles to the screen 00:37:22 michaelbui: i feel the videos I need to revisit, I don’t mark as completed 00:44:19 michaelbui: Working on the final project and was wondering if we will go over user authentication for our VanillaPress, for the App to work with multiple users? 00:47:51 Zac Gordon: