00:02:52 Zac Gordon: Identify whether each of the following is part of "Vanilla JavaScript," a "Web API" or a "Protocol": - JSON - ie '{"id":1,"title":"Hello JSON"}' - JSON Object - ie JSON.parse()
- Local Storage - HTTP
- XMLHTTPRequest
- Fetch 00:04:42 Zac Gordon: Make an HTTP request with one of the options covered above to a WordPress site using the REST API. Add the three posts to the page with markup using JavaScript and the DOM API. 00:04:59 Zac Gordon: Create a JSON string of 3 post objects. Save that string into local storage. Then pull the JSON string out of local storage and parse it into a Vanilla JavaScript object. Finally, create markup for the posts and append them to an HTML page. 00:05:38 Zac Gordon: Be able to build a simple article excerpt like this and append it to a page with JavaScript. Create a “clone” button that will create a clone of the article excerpt above and append it below the previous article excerpt 00:05:48 Zac Gordon: https://gist.github.com/zgordon/df91d3b2239555fae10a8c012552ccdc 00:31:05 Zac Gordon: - JSON - ie '{"id":1,"title":"Hello JSON"}' 00:56:43 Bobby Lee: console.log(response.headers.get('X-WP-TotalPages')); 00:57:24 Bobby Lee: for(var i = 1; i <= 16; i++) { let url = `${restRoot}/wp/v2/posts/?per_page=10&page=${i}`;