00:09:54 amelia: How do I an image to my square thingy? 00:10:09 Zac Gordon: Zoom has a profile somewhere :) 00:10:21 Zac Gordon: And an image there you can add 00:10:24 Meagen Voss: Go to your profile on the Zoom website 00:10:30 Meagen Voss: And edit the image 00:10:41 Meagen Voss: Zac beat me to it :-) 00:13:41 Zac Gordon: https://github.com/zgordon/wcdc-2017/blob/master/01-The-DOM/04-creating-and-appending.html 00:13:58 Zac Gordon: // Practice // 1. Create a new post article with title (w link) and content // 2. Append the article to the current list of articles 00:14:23 Aleksandar Perisic: 1. Yes ( I think YEs) or its Browser thing.. 00:15:02 Meagen Voss: Quiz music!!!! 00:15:04 Meagen Voss: :-) 00:29:49 David Brooks: I need to practice for loops :) 00:30:28 amelia: I said false 00:33:40 Aleksandar Perisic: 2: true for codepen but fidddle isnt good also... Oh think I meesed everyting... creating something that isnt NODE and pushing it into NODE>.. https://jsfiddle.net/apsolut/qn2yjtop/58/ falling in beginner things... appendChild... 00:38:50 Zac Gordon: https://github.com/zgordon/wcdc-2017/blob/master/01-The-DOM/completed/04-creating-and-appending-completed.html 00:40:07 Zac Gordon: https://javascriptforwp.com/courses/javascript/sections/the-document-object-model-dom/ 00:40:12 Zac Gordon: https://javascriptforwp.com/courses/javascript/sections/events-in-javascript/ 00:46:29 Brian Hinton: Finished mine with the simple approach: https://codepen.io/mrbrianhinton/pen/d6f9d5322554c86a1565bee7005a3e43?editors=1000 00:47:12 Aleksandar Perisic: I even tried plurassight JS Quizzz.. after ZACs week not beginner anymore... https://www.pluralsight.com/product/skill-iq 00:52:44 Brian Hinton: https://codepen.io/mrbrianhinton/pen/xayyaE?editors=0011 00:53:57 amelia: I’ll ‘bugger off’ as it’s getting late here and my cat is being super annoying. See you all next week :-) 00:54:10 Meagen Voss: Take care Amelia! 00:54:39 Brian Hinton: https://codepen.io/mrbrianhinton/pen/xayyaE?editors=0011