00:03:52 Zac Gordon: 1. Statement v Expresssion 00:04:16 Zac Gordon: 2. Two ways to assign the value of false to a variable 00:04:30 Zac Gordon: var loggedIn = XX; 00:05:00 Zac Gordon: var num = 2; var num = "2"; 00:05:34 Zac Gordon: if( "this" == that ) if( "this" === that ) 00:06:06 Zac Gordon: var ids = [1,2,3,4,5]; 00:07:10 Zac Gordon: Write a function that accepts a parameter called text and logs out the value 00:08:08 Zac Gordon: Write the definition for an object in JavaScript 00:13:27 Zac Gordon: var loggedIn = !true 00:13:50 Zac Gordon: var loggedIn = 0; 00:15:41 Zac Gordon: if ( 2 == 2 ) 00:15:45 Zac Gordon: if ( 2 == “2” ) 00:16:00 Zac Gordon: if ( 2 === 2 ) 00:16:17 Zac Gordon: if ( 2 === “2” ) 00:16:52 Zac Gordon: var ids = [1,2,3,4,5]; for ( let id of id ) { console.log( id ); } 00:17:04 Bobby Lee: var ids = [1,2,3,4,5]; for(var i = 0; i < ids.length; i++) { console.log(i); } 00:17:22 Bobby Lee: max 00:17:49 Zac Gordon: var max = ids.length; for(var i = 0; i < max; i++) {console.log(i);} 00:19:19 Zac Gordon: function logMe( text ) { console.log( text ); } 00:26:43 Zac Gordon: https://javascriptforwp.com/courses/javascript/sections/javascript-language-basics/quizzes/javascript-language-basics-quiz/ 00:27:16 Zac Gordon: https://github.com/zgordon/wcdc-2017/blob/master/slides.pdf 00:29:05 Zac Gordon: https://stackoverflow.com/questions/27632391/why-null-false-and-null-true-both-return-false 00:29:31 Zac Gordon: Difference between null and undefined typeof null // object (bug in ECMAScript, should be null) typeof undefined // undefined null === undefined // false null == undefined // true 00:30:13 Zac Gordon: var name; 00:30:28 Zac Gordon: undefined 00:30:34 Zac Gordon: var null; 00:31:32 Zac Gordon: https://javascriptforwp.com/courses/%F0%9F%9A%80-js-for-wp-bootcamp-fall-2018/sections/week-2-the-dom-handling-events/ 00:39:07 Zac Gordon: https://firebase.google.com/ 00:40:57 Zac Gordon: https://jamstack.org/ 00:41:44 Zac Gordon: https://jamstackconf.com/