00:07:02 Zac Gordon: var cost = 2 00:07:08 Zac Gordon: Var cost = “2” 00:07:32 Zac Gordon: if ( 2 === value ) 00:07:38 Zac Gordon: If ( 2 == value ) 00:08:23 Zac Gordon: var ids = [ 1, 2, 3, 4, 5 ] 00:11:12 Aleksandar Perisic: (im in, but must be silent sorry) im listening and watching 00:12:51 Zac Gordon: false 00:12:53 Zac Gordon: 0 00:13:10 Zac Gordon: “SDKHJSDFKJHSDKJFHSDF” 00:13:17 Aleksandar Perisic: null ? 00:13:44 Zac Gordon: != 00:13:52 Zac Gordon: Var loggedIn = ! 00:13:58 Aleksandar Perisic: yeah like in PHP if ( ! something ) 00:14:07 Zac Gordon: var loggedIn = !loggedIn 00:14:18 Zac Gordon: var loggedIn = !true 00:17:17 Zac Gordon: function saysHello(text) { console.log(text) } 00:17:25 Zac Gordon: sayHello(“h!”) 00:20:28 Aleksandar Perisic: I will be honest I missed almost all 00:20:30 Aleksandar Perisic: even this day :( 00:20:39 Aleksandar Perisic: But im impressed with Arrays 00:22:55 Aleksandar Perisic: Oh I feel that... PHP and JS, but when things arent that LOGICAL I get lost (dont have right example right now, but i know sometimes i thinked it will be like PHP but it wasnt) 00:25:46 Zac Gordon: https://github.com/WordPress-Coding-Standards/eslint-config-wordpress/blob/73a8d0a67ef714159b2df2aa16ce4d9180162761/index.js 00:27:13 Aleksandar Perisic: Code Standards for WP- https://codex.wordpress.org/WordPress_Coding_Standards 00:27:21 Zac Gordon: 👍 00:28:15 Zac Gordon: https://ma.tt/2017/09/facebook-dropping-patent-clause/ 00:28:59 Zac Gordon: https://ma.tt/2017/09/on-react-and-wordpress/ 00:31:06 Aleksandar Perisic: - How did we get that start//quezz questions ? I dropped in here like from mars or I was just late ? 00:31:33 Zac Gordon: POP QUIZ 00:31:34 Zac Gordon: Statement v Expresssion Two ways to write false Difference between number 2 and "2" Difference between tripple and double equal Write an example of a Loop in JavaScript Function accepts a parameter called text and logs out the value hello Write the definition for an object in JavaScript Anything interesting 00:33:21 Brian Hinton: my notes and answers: https://codepen.io/mrbrianhinton/pen/gdKaXL?editors=0010 00:33:27 Aleksandar Perisic: - I think im overhelmed with all this that I even missed this day (sorry to all) 00:33:55 Aleksandar Perisic: I done alot of stuff with jQuery 00:34:35 Aleksandar Perisic: -I have like couple of years in JS thing... but I have problems learning ALONE and when in PHP you cant REMEMBER or get lost back and forth.. 00:34:47 Aleksandar Perisic: https://codepen.io/apsolut/pen/zJavrm 00:35:54 Aleksandar Perisic: I will stick with Brian CodePen stuff, he has all in details :) 00:38:00 Zac Gordon: Colt’s Steele - https://www.udemy.com/js-algorithms-and-data-structures-masterclass/ 00:39:39 Aleksandar Perisic: I hate that also, as not all things are logical in JS for me at least --> big minus is PHP (I do alot of things there) 00:39:52 Zac Gordon: https://www.quora.com/I-need-JavaScript-practice-with-problems-and-solutions-is-there-a-good-site 00:40:58 Zac Gordon: https://www.codewars.com/?language=javascript 00:41:22 Aleksandar Perisic: True, doing jQuery killed me (lots of books) but like PHP you can do one thing in 12 ways, and only 2 ways are good... and when you WORK you cant test all (we need TEST for everything).. So i will try to do alot in JS alone in next year 00:41:33 Zac Gordon: https://exercism.io/tracks/javascript/exercises 00:43:08 Zac Gordon: http://youmightnotneedjquery.com/ 00:43:35 Aleksandar Perisic: maybe out of order but great things to organize bookmarks, I put all yoru stuf guys there (brians, zacs...) 00:43:43 Aleksandar Perisic: https://raindrop.io 00:45:17 Zac Gordon: https://www.khanacademy.org/computing/computer-programming/programming/good-practices/pt/planning-with-pseudo-code 00:45:29 amelia: Sorry - I don’t want to interrupt the conversation so I won’t unmute :-) I might head off for the evening - I have a kitteh that is not quitting meowing at me and I’m a bit tired. 00:46:08 Zac Gordon: Okay! 00:46:19 Zac Gordon: No problem Amelia :)